Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nothing like flowers and chocolate...

Listen up guys! I'm only going to say this once...

It doesn't matter what the girls say, every girl loves flowers and EVERY girl loves chocolate!

So, here's a little trick, combine them!

Spring's around the corner and that means the flowers will bloom soon and the general mood for love will be in the air again. And to the pessimists out there, just ignore this, love will never come your way if you don't open yourself to it. Just crawl back into your comfort zone? Hahaha

Alright, the rest of you wanting to show that princess how much you really care, this is how you do it. You can be sitting behind your desk at the office, or chilling in your room after coming home from class, but this works.

Go to NetFlorist and order her the most beautiful set of flowers to be delivered to her. Include a box of chocolates and a nice little card, telling her she is special. Then wait for her call;)

Best of luck!

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