Thursday, September 9, 2010

Let's make sure of IT

If you watch a movie that involves aliens and world invasion, the general feeling that you get, is that people fear to be taken over or even be exterminated. Obviously...

But what we don't realize, is that we already have been invaded, taken over and enslaved by the monster we created. And it's name is Information Technology!

Luckily, if it wasn't for IT, most of us wouldn't have any jobs, seeing that a lot of companies do IT recruitment nowadays. Besides that, it opened up a world of opportunities, like graphic design, for instance. A market that went through the roof thanks to IT.

If you feel you're behind on all the latest pc software, some online shopping won't do you any harm:) So, be sure to update your arsenal and be on the main wave in the world of IT!

The coolest thing you'll ever know

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